The last weekend of February every year sees Doolin remember its greatest music ambassadors the Russell brothers; Micho, Packie & Gussie. What a way to kick off our season with the brightest musicians descending on Doolin from the four corners of the world to attend workshops and perform in all the pubs and Russell Cultural Centre.

Visit the Russell Memorial Weekend
The festival began in 1995 as a remembrance ceremony to Micho Russell, the world-famous traditional musician, who died in 1994. In 2006, and at the request of the Russell family, the festival was renamed the Russell Memorial Weekend in memory of the three Russell brothers and two sisters; Micho (1915-1994), Gussie (1917-2004), Brigid, Packie (1920-1977), and Mary Kate (1921-2007).
Time of Year: February
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